I discovered recently that wetas belong to the cricket family. I don't mind crickets, so I just keep telling myself that a weta is just a large cricket.
He loves searching for wetas in the woodshed, especially in the pinecones, which he calls "Weta houses".
I couldn't find anything specific about Wetas, this is what I found about Crickets and their symbolism. I have learnt to appreciate this insect a little more, after doing some research. A symbol of Intuition, Sensitivity, Ingenuity, Resourcefulness, Faith, Trust, and Transformation. All great things I want for my boy.
Crickets are active at night, ancient myth associates the cricket with the lunar energies of intuition and sensitivity.
In Africa the tree cricket uses leaves growing on plants to make a megaphone. The cricket chews a pear shaped hole in the leaf and sticks his head through the hold, the leaf bends around his head in a bowl shape like a speaker baffle. Then the cricket presses his sound making wings against the leaf and chirps. These leaf amplifiers increase their sound by up to 10 decibels. How resouceful is that.
The crickets hind legs are modified for jumping. They leap over difficult situations effortlessly always choosing to land in a more pleasing environment and can teach us how to do the same. A powerful ally that embodies the qualities of faith and trust the cricket serves us well. All we need to do is follow its lead.
Cricket will attune to new vibrations and will aid in heightening intuition, sensitivity and awareness. Crickets can teach effective communication techniques and subconsciousness communication cues to obtain what is needed or wanted. Crickets are about resurrection and transformation from stages as in the molting process. Is it time to shed old ideas to make way for the new? Are you singing your song to be heard at this time? Is it time to rest in contemplation or jump toward your intended target whether it be at work, in relationships, or personal goal and dream?